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A quickie 30 min session

IMG_0148Feeling and looking your best means eating right and sweating buckets —but what do you do when you just don’t have the time?

Don’t worry Bent readers. If you can spare 30 minutes a day—a measly half an hour—I can give you a healthy, strong body that looks good to boot. I have created a workout plan that gives you the most possible benefit in just 30 minutes per day, six days a week. Are you ready!

Getting Started—Rethink Your Muscle Groups

To achieve maximum benefit in just 30 minutes per day, you to need to rethink what muscles you work, and when. Most guys work their whole body over the course of three to four days spaced through the week. For example, they do a traditional split—back and triceps, chest and biceps, legs and shoulders—with recovery and/or cardio days in between. That’s fine, and if you want to stay with that, I can offer lots more programmes on my website to keep you going. However, those programmes are also from my experience, more time-consuming workout regimens, often taking 90 or more minutes per day.

For your 30-minute workout programme, I suggest you organize your muscles into two groups, which you will work out three times per week on alternating days. Below are the programme basics:

* On day one of the programme, you’ll do quick circuits of chest, biceps, shoulders, and legs.

* On day two of the programme, you’ll do back, triceps, and core.

* With very little rest between exercises, your strength-training programme will double as a cardio workout, which you’ll extend by doing 15 minutes of intense cardio immediately after you lift weights.

* You’ll alternate days one and two through the week, mixing in different exercises to ensure variation. This will keep your muscles from acclimating to specific exercises. You’ll take the seventh day off entirely.

Multi-tasking at the Gym

Three sets of 3 exercises and 15 minutes of cardio may sound like a lot to do in just a half hour. However, that’s only because many exercise programme s are so inefficient. For example, to help build big strong shoulders, you probably do dumbbell presses—who doesn’t? But the shoulder press is a single primary muscle exercise—it isolates one muscle group, and works it hard. Why not try a front lunge with shoulder press instead? You want to work more than one muscle group at a time. That means multiple-plane exercises, multiple-joint exercises, and closed kinetic chain exercises.”

Multiple-plane exercises make you move in more than one direction at once (for an example, Alternate Stepback Lunges with Plate Twist). Multiple-joint exercises work more than one joint (or point of muscle attachment) at a time (for example, Dumbbell Squat and Press). Closed kinetic chain exercises make you use your own body weight as resistance. Examples of these include push-ups, sit-ups, knee tucks, and hyper back extensions.


You’ll do three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions for each exercise, using an amount of weight that makes you reach fatigue at the end of the set. Fatigue is the point at which you could do another repetition, but not while maintaining good form. It will take a different amount of weight to reach this point for each exercise, so you’ll have to recalculate your weight for each new exercise.

Vary the Exercises

After your second day, you’ll go back to day one and do another day of chest, biceps, shoulders, and legs. Don’t do the same exercises you did previously, just ask a fitness advisor who are always glad to help you with new exercises, there often around the gym floor some where(for a selection of exercise check out my site exercises to come up with or ask for are other multi-plane, multi-joint, and closed kinetic chain exercises. If you’re not sure, just ask yourself this question: Will it work at least two of the muscle groups I need to work today? If the answer is yes – consider adding it to your workout.


You should limit your recovery time between sets of each exercise to no more than one minute. Between exercises, you can have a whopping two minutes—just enough time to enable you to move to your next exercise and set up. By keeping your recoveries short, you keep yourself in a continuous aerobic zone, so your weightlifting sets become cardio as well.

Limiting your rest time has additional benefits. Quick recoveries train your body to cope with the lactic acid you generate during muscle breakdown. By increasing your tolerance for lactic acid, you train your muscles to buffer against its fatiguing effects. This will, over time, raise the amount of lactic acid required to make you feel fatigued—and thus the amount of weight you can lift in a set. Just by shortening your recovery time (within reason), you contribute to muscle building.

Frequency and Cardio

The programme budgets 30 to 40 seconds per set of each exercise, one minute between sets, and two minutes between exercises. This leaves you 15 minutes for intense cardio. Following your weight sets, head straight to cardio, and do intense—sprints and hills on the bike, for example, will train speed and endurance simultaneously. On the days you work your shoulders, you can go for boxing a boxing bag or pad  work this would be a supplement; on the back and core days, you might do a series of intervals on the rower In other words, tailor your cardio to complement the muscles you’re working when you strength train.

Good luck boyz!


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