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Porn: 65 million years in the making


by Terry Gee 

     There have been many porn adaptations of Hollywood blockbusters: Shaving Ryan’s Privates, Bareback Mountain and Drill Bill (yup, these are all real) to name but a few.

Arguable, the biggest film release this year has been Jurassic World (Star Wars isn’t out until December) but come on – no one is going to make a porn based on a dinosaur film, are they? Of course they are! There is a saying that if it exists, someone will make a porn of it – and a Thai company has taken up that challenge and released Jurassic Porn.

Loosely based on the Universal Pictures epic adventure, the trailer shows a man in drag playing Claire and a group of men dressed as raptors. Unlike the original, when these dinosaurs attack, it’s not just their claws that get stuck into their prey. There is a lot of man on man action as well as raptor-man on man.

Too good/weird to believe? There’s a trailer on YouTube!

And you can check out the whole film on GThaiMovie’s website.