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Book – 101 Naked Confessions of a Gay Hairdresser

PBOOK00 15What do you expect from your hairdresser? A gossip? A confessional? A therapist? Good hair? 101 Naked Confessions of a Gay Hairdresser delivers all of these… and more. Terry Wilson is the World’s Most Outrageous Gay Hairdresser and has spent the last 30 years working with small-town suburban housewives, urban professionals, celebrities and models and even the Queen – and everyone in between.

So he is not short of a story. This book promises to entertain, amuse and inform. Oh – and you might learn a thing or two about your hair along the way. Written as short confessions or observations on life, love and gay domination of the weather, this book is perfect for a quick and dirty read in a spare moment. Guaranteed to get you giggling, and if you are looking for a hair fix, that’s included too.

“The content comes from daily emails clients receive, as well as the thousands of conversations Terry has with customers that adore him. He’s a character to say the least, and they even once let him loose to work on Her Majesty’s hair!” says Smith. “From details of their conversation to tips on, *cough*, certain things in the bedroom (unrelated to his time with The Queen!), this book has it all.”

Continuing, “And it brings tangible benefits with it, too.  The book is interspersed with 30-odd top tips to get hair into perfect condition, and therefore make you more sexy, confident and successful in the process. You’ll laugh, cry and then wipe your face up in the bathroom before ruffling your hair into the best condition of its life.”

About the author

Terry has been a hairdresser for over 30 years but he’s not counting. He lives with his partner, Jon, in London, UK, but still has a wife, ex-wife, mother-of-his-children, Kay, who lives in New Zealand. He has two grown-up daughters, Emma and Hannah, who want nothing to do with hairdressing.

When he is not making things happen in the salon he likes to swim, cycle, watch ‘Masterchef’ on TV and cook. His most memorable moments have been trialling to be the hairdresser for the Queen – that’s Queen Elizabeth II to you, opening a salon in the Port of Picton, New Zealand then upgrading to opening a salon in Notting Hill, London (a real Kiwi ‘pinch-me’ moment), and swimming a personal best sub 1 minute, freestyle at the Gay Games in Sydney.