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LGBT History Project launch

The LGBT History Project has launched a new wikimedia web site that is devoted to British LGB & Trans history.

Using Wikipedia’s own software, everyone is invited to log on and enter stories, memories and knowledge of British LGB&T life. Suggested topics include arts, sport, business, health, press, people and pubs and clubs. This new site has already attracted entries about crime, politics and legislation, as well as one contributor specialising in bisexual culture, and another in South London’s gay groups. The site aims to records social memories of our day, the nations changing attitudes to same-same relationships and notable people in history that LGB and Trans people can draw upon as role models.

The site is looking for people from all over the country to record what they remember and know of their experience. Founder, Jonathan Harbourne said “It’s great that attitudes towards homosexuality are becoming more acceptable in many places in Britain. In another 10 or 20 years, I don’t want people to forget the struggle and the fight that won us our equalities and freedoms. But I don’t want it to be all doom-and-gloom either – as a perceived minority we not only stood out against injustice, but often shone out. We often led the way in music and clubs, we celebrated our differences with the word ‘Pride’ becoming synonymous with being LGB&T, and we stuck together during the health crisis we faced raising millions of pounds. This makes our culture creative, generous and supportive. My aim is that this site becomes a history “time capsule”, a resource to people and academics in years to come.”

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