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The Pink UK March Update – a lot to celebrate!

PinkUk’s latest monthly newsletter is out for March: covers latest listings for Prides in the Uk and around the world plus UK Mothers’ Day, International Women’s Day 8 March and Ireland’s St Patrick’s Day 17 March and Dublin Pride 25 June among other events…

March – a merry month of celebrations and a lot more

Welcome to our newsletter for March – a transition between Winter and Spring. March has several celebrations in the UK and globally, offering opportunities to explore new places and meet up with friends as Spring emerges and travel becomes easier with the lifting of Covid restrictions.

March is also a month for LGBTQ+ Celtic celebration: the people of Wales don a daffodil on St David’s Day 1 March and the people of Ireland in all parts of the island and around the world raise a glass on St Patrick’s Day on 17 March!

Across the UK is Mothering Sunday, this year on the 27 March.  Check out our ideas for making your mum feel loved and suggest some ideas, and we’ll post them. Yep, it’s always wise to be in your mum’s good books, so please don’t forget it… It’s also  International Women’s Day on 8th March to commemorate the milestones of equality for women and the work to do, and  International Transgender Day on 31 March. So lots of things to do or commemorate.

If you’re in the mood to start exploring, now travel restrictions have mostly been lifted  across the UK, including in-bound travel and the need for testing if you are fully vaccinated, we list thousands of UK and global venues to give you the best holiday experience whether hotels, B&Bs and self-catering. We also have one of the best Pride listings sites for global and UK Pride festivals, so just type in your location in the top menu for prides and see what you find. Whatever you do or decide not to do much, have a great month!

Love & Pink Respect from Dave & the team,
