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SFW Porn

by Terry Gee11870939_10153095509678527_1752118377722691332_n

   The Bent Magazine Tumblr page is now live!

We’ve added a selection of hotties for you to drool over and made sure that all of the images are safe for work.

What we’d really like is to see more of you. Do you look good in Speedos and want to show off your bod? Are you proud of your hairy chest? Or just want to show our readers what you look like?

11863339_10153095511048527_2747971758595869278_nFollow us on twitter and send your picture to @BentMagOnline As long as they’re not too pornographic, we’ll add a selection of our favourites to the page.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

You can follow Bent on Tumblr here.