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Virtual Reality Porn – You’re not watching any more – you’re in it.

iDisrupted+Logo  With virtual reality literally around the corner, iDisrupted author John Straw states that the battle to become the king of virtual reality will all come down to the porn industry.

Some of you may be old enough to remember video players from the 80’s. They revolutionised the home entertainment industry and spawned a whole new range of businesses including the now defunct Blockbuster.

For most of us, the established standard for video playback was the VHS, the winner of a previous standards war between the VHS consortium and Sony’s Betamax standard. VHS won the war because of the adoption of the format by the porn industry. Ever ambitious to extend the distribution of its content, the porn industry adopted VHS and caused the demise of Betamax.

VHS was then disrupted by the internet, on demand services such as iTunes and Netflix killed the physical distribution model.

So, now we look to the future, we have a new medium that goes beyond the home TV, this technology is of course virtual reality. It’s already being adopted by everyone from Google to Facebook to Microsoft and we’re still waiting to see what Apple has in store for us.

John Straw, author of iDisrupted claims that whilst we wait to see who will be crowned as king of virtual reality, the mainstream adoption process will all come down to porn. Yet again.

Straw states; “What will drive standard adoption again is porn. The prospect of making porn that immersive and interactive for the porn industry is simply huge.”

Facebook owned Oculus has already commented that it is OK with the use of porn on its upcoming virtual reality platform. Oculus founder explained in response to a question about porn, that Oculus is an open platform and they don’t control what software can run on it.

Even though virtual reality headsets are yet to ship, Virtual reality porn is already experiencing a boom in adult entertainment industries. Businesses making sex toys to work with virtual reality porn are already being produced.

In fact, Lovense, a manufacturer of sex tech toys and Virtual Real Porn have announced a partnership to introduce ‘haptics’ or touch feedback, to porn virtual reality videos. These toys are set to completely change the porn and virtual reality world.

The sex toys created by Lovense will be integrated with porn applications that will run on the Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear virtual reality headsets. The toys will allow for a more immersive experience and will make the user feel like they’re actually in the movie they are watching.

The future of virtual reality will soon be here and all we can do is wait and see who will be crowned the king.