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Don’t let HIV outsmart you

Red-RibbonThis World AIDS Day, Someone Like Me, the global sexual health movement from Durex and the MTV Staying Alive Foundation is urging young people to be aware of the risks of HIV with a new global awareness campaign.

Someone Like Me has launched a new video entitled Don’t Let HIV Outsmart You, designed to get young adults to be vigilant in the fight against HIV and begin conversations that dispel the myths that surround HIV and AIDS. The video, created by strategic digital agency, LOOP was launched through Someone Like Me’s global YouTube, Facebook and Twitter profiles.

Imagepromo_dev021•The Someone Like Me movement was launched in 2013 for World AIDS Day

•In 2013, the campaign reached 950 million people around the world, with 10 million condoms given away to various global HIV and AIDS campaigns

•In 2014, it became a year-round campaign to support happy, healthy and confident sex lives across the globe.

•As it enters its second World AIDS Day campaign, the aim of Someone Like Me is not to preach to young people, but rather provoke questions and spark conversations across social media.

•The new video from Someone Like Me, titled Don’t Let HIV Outsmart You, is available to view now on the Someone Like Me YouTube, Facebook and Twitter profiles, and on the Someone Like Me website

Georgia Arnold, Executive Director of the MTV Staying Alive Foundation commented: “Our research shows that one in four young adults across Europe think HIV is a problem that mainly affects people in Africa, which is a worrying myth. We want Someone Like Me to get people talking, online and in the real world, about HIV as we approach World AIDS Day.”

“It’s not enough to simply provide information and hope it is consumed by young people. The only way to break down stigma, myths and stereotypes that can shroud the truth around HIV is to get people talking and sharing their own knowledge and experiences on the platforms they use to communicate every day.”

Volker Sydow, Global Category Director for Sexual Wellbeing at Durex commented: “As we approach World AIDS Day, Someone Like Me not only intends to spark the conversations that will help young people understand how to protect themselves from HIV, but also arm them with messages, content and videos to spread the word amongst their online community. We want to empower young people to be self-confident and to make the right decision when it comes to sexual health.”