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The UK gay humanist charity the Pink Triangle Trust (PTT) is not at all surprised that the new Pope is as homophobic as the previous incumbents.

Pope Francis I strongly opposed legislation introduced in 2010 by the Argentine Government to allow same-sex marriage, calling it a “real and dire anthropological throwback”.  In a letter to the monasteries of Buenos Aires, he wrote: “Let’s not be naive, we’re not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God.” He has also insisted that adoption by homosexuals is a form of discrimination against children. This homophobic outburst received a rebuke from Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who said the church’s tone was reminiscent of “medieval times and the Inquisition”.

Reacting to the appointment, The PTT Secretary George Broadhead said: “The Argentine President’s comment couldn’t be more apposite. All rational thinking people must have been sickened by the sycophantic coverage by most of the media of the new Pope’s election in which the iniquities of the Roman Catholic Church – the cover-up of child sex abuse, the opposition to the use of condoms, especially to prevent AIDS, the opposition to voluntary euthanasia for those suffering terminal illness and of course the opposition to LGBT rights – were largely ignored. LGBT people face intensified hostility from this vile institution.”

The Pink Triangle Trust is named after the pink triangle that gay men had to wear in the Nazi concentration camps. The registered charity was set up in 1992 to advance the education of the public and particularly of lesbians and gay men, in the principles and practice of Humanism and to advance the education of the public, and particularly of Humanists, about all aspects of homosexuality. It may also assist individuals to obtain remedies under the law where they have suffered unlawful discrimination on account of their homosexuality or their Humanism.