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Obama joins global trend to gay marriage


“President Obama joins the British Prime Minister and the new French President in backing same-sex marriage. It’s an unstoppable global trend, with more and more countries planning to end the ban on gay couples getting married. There is growing momentum for same-sex marriage in many countries, from Cuba to Nepal, Denmark, Australia and Columbia,” said human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell. 

Mr Tatchell is the national coordinator of the UK’s Equal Love campaign, which seeks to overturn the twin legal bans on gay civil marriages and heterosexual civil partnerships. 

“It is significant that Obama’s change of heart was prompted by discussions with his family and friends, including gay White House staffers and gay parents at his daughters’ school. He was also influenced by the sacrifices of US lesbian and gay military personnel. This is further evidence that people who have gay friends are more likely to support gay equality. 

“Same-sex couples are already allowed to marry in Canada, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Iceland and South Africa; plus several states in the US, Mexico and Brazil. 

“British public opinion is overwhelmingly in favour of same-sex marriage. A Populus poll in March 2012 found that 65% of the public agreed: “Gay couples should have an equal right to get married, not just to have civil partnerships.” Only 27% disagreed. This represents a steady increase in public support for marriage equality and a decline in public opposition,” said Mr Tatchell.

14th June is the end date for submissions to the government’s website.