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Desperate Scousewives

Meet the self described ‘Gay power couple’ of Liverpool. Mark & Christopher Johnson White have been married for 2 years and are now best known for their appearance on Desperate Scousewives, a reality TV show shown on E4. With TV series like Desperate Scousewives slowly taking over every corner of our televisions we sent Ryan Houston to meet the pair and find out more about Desperate Scousewives.

How did you guys get involved in Desperate Scousewives?


Mark: Desperate Scousewives was on the topic on Scouse Lips for a while and we had known that the show was in progress, I was in my normal day job when a producer scouted me and auditioned me.


Chris:  I have never been interested in TV work really that’s more Marks area and as per usual Mark persuaded me to go with him for the audition. And it’s been the best thing for us in my opinion.



Do you find it hard being a couple in front of the camera?


Mark:  Not at all. Chris and I have natural chemistry and we are what you see on TV. We don’t take things so seriously and we love to have a laugh with each other. So being in front of the camera was exactly the same only we were being filmed.



Chris: Mark and I have had an amazing feedback from the public and that’s because we are dead natural with each other, I think we are toned down on TV though because we are a lot wilder in real life.

Have you guys been recognised from the show during your normal day-to-day activity?


Mark: From doing the show we have become icons and it’s so surreal. It’s a nice feeling knowing you can make someone’s day because they have seen you. I really like that feeling.


Chris: Everywhere we go we are recognised and it’s a good feeling, don’t get me wrong, if I need a quick shop it’s a lot longer than it would usually take us but we do love our fans and it’s nice just to take that minute or so and spend time with them.

If you were given the choice to go back do you think the show was the right move for you as a couple?


Mark: Absolutely definitely. I am in a big believer in things happening for a reason, it has been the most amazing experience we have had and to make friends that we have it’s been amazing.


Chris: At first I was very unsure as I am a realist and I am a worrier. At first I thought was it the right thing to do because of work and other commitments yet, when we watched the finished product and experienced what we did it was amazing and I wouldn’t have changed a thing. On top of that it was something that Mark and I shared together, which made it extra special.