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Simon Walton


Simon Walton is an openly gay singer/ songwriter from Brighton and he believes that lyrics should not hide one’s sexuality. He has been supported by ITV fixers and has made a documentary and music

video. Through his work with house producer Scott Harvey he has created his first EP ‘Proud Music’. We sent Ryan Houston to find out more about his work and how the ITV Fixers campaign has supported his ideas.


ITV Fixers have really encouraged me to fight for what I believe in. Through their funding and creative resources I have been able to make a professional documentary and music video and some musicians never get such an opportunity. They are a really great organisation and I probably wouldn’t have the determination and the understanding of the industry if it weren’t for their support.

Who inspires you and your music?

I love pop music so I’d say most music that hits the top 40 over the last decade has inspired me. I love Britney- I’ve always found her aspirational ever since I was younger. The Spice Girls were great and their attitude and fearlessness still inspires me.

If the music industry hadn’t worked out for you what do you think you’d be doing now?

Well I still say that I’ve got a lot more I’d like to achieve to getting my music heard but if it doesn’t work out I’ll still be performing on some level definitely and I’ll never stop songwriting. Lyrics just come to me I don’t think that that creative flow will ever stop.

Your new album ‘Proud’ is a collection of songs, can you describe the album to our readers?

It’s my first ever EP and I’m really proud of it. Collectively the songs have an electro-pop vibe that I love and they have catchy hooks all over the place. ‘What About You?’ and the remix of this track are important to my journey as that was the song used for my ITV documentary on challenging the perceptions of gay relationships in music. The title ‘Proud Music’ is to promote this notion that gay singers should be able to sing openly about their relationships without it being seedy or taboo. ‘Men & Their Machines’ is one of my favourites and I’ve recently made a music video for this too.

Once you have released that album what is in store for you over the next year?

I have recently put on an openly gay music night to celebrate the album release and also to encourage other LGBT singers to sing openly. I was joined by some great musicians and I’d love to put on more events like this. I’m also working on some collaborations with 2 guys (Loco Ninja & Demetrius Blacc) in the USA. Both are openly gay rappers and they will feature on my tracks ‘The Lover’ and ‘Every Single Tear’. I hope to make music videos for these and release them on the net over the next few months. I’m also working on one of Demetrius’ tracks ‘Feels Good’ which is exciting and it’s a lot more R’n’B than any of my stuff. I’m also going out to the US early next year so I hope to gain some listeners there and to perform more and meet other gay musicians.