Be Aware
We all know that us boys love our underwear. Worldwide it’s a billion dollar business, with more players joining the ranks of sexy suppliers than just about any other part of the fashion industry. Manly tighty-whities or butch boxers are OK but every now and then a boy needs to get in touch with his more…erm… sensuous side. When only a touch of silk, shiny satin or luxurious frills will do, there is a brand where we go to make us feel slinkily sexual.
BodyAware has been dressing men one pair at a time since 1987. What started as a small cottage industry in the hills of Wiltshire has grown into a very diverse, successful and global men’s underwear mail order catalog and website. BodyAware’s main distribution office is now located in sunny Arizona, USA, but they have recently gone back to their roots and now have a fabulous webshop located in London that is just for UK customers. “We really wanted to cater to our loyal UK customers that were with us from the very beginning” explains Kristina Bonfield, one of the directors of BodyAware. “By opening up in London, our UK site can not only provide fabulous and unique knickers to men, but we can do it fast, without the additional time and charges associated with UK customs costs. Visit the site now at!