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In De-Niall

002We at Bent love gay role models. Especially ones with real talent, as opposed to designer fringes styled after the Sydney Opera House. It’s also nice to see a gay man that isn’t a wafer-thin blonde strutting about in Prada. This month Adam Lowe gets to grips with the rugged one-man music sensation The Niallist, and decides he quite likes bears too.

For newcomers to your music, can you describe your sound for us in three words?
Sensual electronic disco.

You’ve remixed the likes of Franz Ferdinand, Late Of The Pier, Wave Machines, La Roux, Lady Gaga and Scream Club ft Beth Ditto. Who was your favourite to work with and who was the most challenging?
I just produced a track for the rap group Yo! Majesty, who were great to work with, very quick and easy and they got where I was coming from straight away. And I’m working on a remix right now for the band Age Of Consent which ridiculously catchy 80s-esque pop. The rock bands I have mixed like Divorce or Franz Ferdinand are generally pretty challenging, which is why I do them!

Who would you like to work with in future?
Oh there’s a long list… Roisin Murphy, Little Boots, Ebony Bones, Missy Elliot, lots of folk!

In terms of your musical influences, who’s had the greatest impact?
Well, if I had to pick one single act it would probably be Prince as he is just ridiculously talented and writes incredible music. But on the whole probably my biggest influence is disco music. We’ll never see the likes of it again, it came from a time and a place that was just perfect.

How do you think modern music is changing? How are people’s tastes and the way people purchase music changing? How can new artists accommodate this?
It’s changing so fast as to make predictions irrelevant really. What I do know is that people are never going to not want music, so there should always be a market. Whether people want to pay for the music is a different question. I don’t think artists should worry about it too much though, our job is to make art.

Why do you think there’s such a dearth of gay role models in British pop culture these days? Do you think queer artists have a duty to be open and proud? Would you consider yourself a role model?
I don’t consider myself a role model, but then I guess it’s not up to me really. If you happen to represent something in the media that no-one else is, it can be forced upon you. Lately I’ve been arguing with my mate over whether Lindsey Lohan is a good role model for queer/bi youth. But why should she be? She never set out to be a role model for anyone.

Now to be a bit shallow. Kylie or Madonna? Britney or Christina? Beyonce or Gaga?
Queen B is a GODDESS, I like Britney more than Xtina, but I’m torn between Mads and Kylie. Probably Mads as her hit count is higher, though she has totally lost it of late.

You were a resident musician for four years at legendary Glasgow underground epicentre The Chateau where other distinguished alumni include Franz Ferdinand and Shitdisco. What other challenges have you set yourself for your future?
Well my next challenge is to get my album done to the best it possibly can be. The Chateau was a wonderful time, if a bit stressful, as we had to do everything ourselves. We’re now running a Hi-NRG night in Glasgow called MENERGY, and we just had our first ever drag ball at the couture house Che Camille. It was incredible!  We’re now planning one for Manchester too in January, which is called Vogue Brawl. For more details check out our website at

You also run Little Rock Records. Can you tell us something about that and the acts you have?
I set up Little Rock as a digital download label in 2007, and at the moment we’ve put out about 70 releases, including some on vinyl. In general the stuff is quite experimental, but there is some accessible dance music there too. We’re currently prepping a release for the post-crunk producer Fox Gut Daata, and I have always been proud of putting out music by Perth noise merchants Tayside Mental Health.

Any last messages to our readers?
It’s chilly outside, so stay warm!

The Niallist’s grrr-eat single ‘I Came’ is out now from Little Rock Records.