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Ten Things You Never Knew About Robert Downey Jnr

top-robertdowney1. Lived with Sarah Jessica Parker for 7 years during the 1980s.

2. Claims that his father is the one who introduced him to drugs, by offering him a marijuana joint when he was 8.

3. Once worked as a piece of living art in a Soho nightclub in New York City.

4. Kept a lot of the authentic vintage clothing he wore in the movie Chaplin (1992).

5. In a symbolic attempt to bury his decadent 1980s Brat Pack image and begin a new phase of his life and career after filming Chaplin in 1991, he (literally) buried the clothes that he wore in 1987’s Less Than Zero in the backyard of his house.

6. At the age of 10, while living in London, Robert attended the Perry House School in Chelsea and studied classical ballet.

7. Married his first wife after dating her for only 42 days.

8. Starred in Elton John’s music video for the song I Want Love. Downey was let out of rehab for one day specifically to shoot the video (which was filmed in one long continuous take at Greystone Manor in Beverley Hills).

9. Childhood friend of Richard Hall aka Moby.

10. Sting and Billy Idol performed at his wedding to Susan Downey.

Robert Downey Jnr stars in this month’s roadtrip film Due Date out 5th November.