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Rules of the Sauna

untitled   OK, we’ve taken that first step and entered the sauna, you know, the one everyone told you about, the one with all the, you know, stuff going on. However, it’s your first time so what can you expect? Bent has spent years researching this ‘adventure’ and has come up with a few basic rules novices might find useful.

1. Try and keep small talk to a minimum… as we all know – actions speak louder than words.

2. The chances of you finding the love of your life are minimal but it is fun trying all the different possibilities.

3. Do at least one good deed and let some old guy play with your dick – you never know when you’ll need the favour repaying.

4. If you see a family member whilst cruising the sauna – don’t worry – he’s there for the same reason you are.

5. Don’t believe anyone who says that the condoms available are too small and refuses to wear one… have you ever tried inflating one… they are huge.


6. It’s OK to make some noise when being shagged but do be considerate of others who are trying to watch the movie.

7. Keeping your underwear on at the baths is a pretty pointless exercise… unless it is underwear fetish night.

8. You can never be too rich, too muscular, or have too big of a dick but the truth is… the longer you are at the sauna the less these things matter.

9. You can un-wrap your cock in the steam room but never your sandwiches.

10. Too often that speeding heart-rate and pounding head is as a result of spending too much time in the sauna and not a hectic sex life.
