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Top tips for cool holiday cures

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“Summer holiday aches and pains can often be cured or alleviated by a quick trip to the fridge” according to Silver Travel Advisor’s Dave Harcombe.


The qualified pharmacist, whose travel tips can be found on the 50’s travel review and advice site , has come up with his coolest tips for a healthy and beautiful summer.

ICE ADVICE: Ice is the ultimate cure-all as ice and ice packs alleviate muscle soreness, itches and insect bites, reduce bruising, help stop bleeding and relieve pain and swelling. Even removing splinters becomes easier and less painful after numbing the area with an ice cube, while sucking on an ice-cube will relieve the pain of tooth-ache. Make a cheap and effective ice pack by dropping ice cubes into a rubber glove.

BELIEVE IT’S BUTTER: Rub a knob of butter into the hands to remove fishy smells, then wash off with soap and hot water, and massage butter into dry hair and cover with a plastic bag or shower cap for a soft, silky finish.

COOL NEWS FOR BEACH BLUES: Applying neat, fridge-cooled gin eases sunburn and soothes the skin. Cheaper alternatives include natural yoghurt, cold potato slices, cucumber slices and cold tea bags.

For heat exhaustion and sunburn drink cool water. Don’t gulp. Little and often is best.

COOL CURE FOR HOT HEADS: Cooled raw potato slices applied to the brow are an instant headache relief.

HIC-CUPS? FRIDGE FIRST: Stop hiccups by sucking a cold lemon slice or an ice cube. Or try drinking small quick sips of ice cold water.

BREATHE EASY: For lingering garlic smells chew on sprigs of parsley straight from the salad box of the fridge.

STING RELIEF: Place a slice of cool leek, cucumber or raw onion onto sting, cover with bandage and leave for a few hours.

SAY YO TO YOGHURT: Yoghurt is one of the greatest and healthiest food aids. Natural yoghurt containing live acidophilus culture is an antibiotic, an immunity booster and helps clear up travellers’ diarrhoea, it also soothes ulcers and helps clear up yeast infections.