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GMFA is helping young gay men to Think Again about HIV

gmfa 0001In 2012: 5,250 UK based gay men were diagnosed with HIV. 

A third of these men were in their teens or twenties. 

In April this year, GMFA launched the ‘Think Again’ campaign, encouraging young gay men to reconsider what they knew about HIV and sexual safety.

In the two weeks since the campaign was launched:

•             851,511 people have seen the campaign on Facebook

•             77,268 interacted with the campaign (clicked on the link, commented, liked or shared it)

•             Almost 1,000 more people liked GMFA’s Facebook page which means that they will now receive regular updates about HIV and sexual health.

•             68,900 people have seen the campaign on Twitter

•             18,100 interacted with it (clicked on the link, favourited, replied or retweeted)

•             1,666 people have shared the campaign on Tumblr

•             Stephen Fry tweeted it, describing it as ‘brilliant’

•             More than 11,000 people have come to the Think Again page on GMFA’s website

•             The number of HIV test kits ordered through the GMFA website quadrupled, with 80% of kits now being sent to men in their teens and 20s (up from 45%).

And there’s still more to come. Over the next few weeks ‘Think Again’ will be appearing in more of the gay press, on posters in gay bars and, from July, on bus shelters in Clapham, Shoreditch, Vauxhall and Dalston.

logoGMFA currently receives no financial support from local or national Government for its HIV prevention work. The ‘Think Again’ campaign has been solely funded by the support and generosity of individuals from the gay community, and the men and women who value this community.

If you would like to support the Think Again campaign and our future campaigns by making a donation, please visit

GMFA campaigns currently in development include work for gay men who have chem-sex and a campaign to address HIV-related stigma.