


Fronted by 23-year-old Ben Talbot, Dakota is a band poised for success. Encompassing the classic traits and the sounds of successful British pop, Dakota are the newest boys to demonstrate the talent this country has to offer.

Released this month are the 10 songs that make up their album “Heart & Soul”, which reveal Dakota to be the missing link between the sweet sad pop of the 1960s and its harder anthemic 21st century counterpart. They’re a British pop band in the classic sense – natural tunesmiths with a taut underpull and muscular brevity – tough and tender at the same time. They are ready for stardom.

Dakota have taken the name from the New York apartment building where John Lennon lived and died. Talbot used his own life changing event to emotionally charge his music and create ‘Heart & Soul’. As with much of the album’s haunting content, his life experiences are ever present in the songs. The emotional delivery of brooding vocals through creeping disembodied voices accompanied by the sweeping guitars allows the listener to enter Ben’s world quite vividly.

www.dakotaband.co.uk www.myspace.com/dakotabandofficial

One thought on “dakota

  • Warwick School

    Bent magazine? nice one rob

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