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Johan’s Blog – Travelling

Johan Volny 9

Due to my job I travel a lot through Europe. For the studio STAXUS – I have movie shoots in different countries (I prefer beaches and southern Europe, of course – smile) also I do a lot of promotion for my site, autograph signings for movie releases and also some live shows all over Europe for the ‘StaxusOnTour’.

Of course, with all this travelling I have a list of my favourite places to visit; Berlin and London are there but one place I love is Hamburg. Recently, I was there with my boyfriend. (Yes, I have a boyfriend…. sorry!). We wanted to spend a relaxing weekend without any work and so we choose Hamburg as I know a few people there. Even better – I know a lot of great clubs and bars in the city where we got free entry and drinks! For me the problem with Hamburg is always the same: I drink too much! The club scene is so great over there that I have too much fun. And when I enjoy it too much I drink too much. Does it sound logical? I don’t know – but with too much alcohol I can become dangerous…

I remember a situation when I was out with my best friend. I was totally drunk and he had more or less to carry me to a taxi. On our way back to the hotel I constantly wanted to open the doors and jump out of the car – while it was still moving. My mate had to pull me back all the time (and pay the driver a huge tip). Later in the hotel I wanted to have sex with my friend. He always said “No” but when I am drunk I can be very persitant and strong… so, he had to serve (and take) me that night. (That’s what I mean when I say it can be dangerous when I am drunk.)

Back to my recent visit of Hamburg and a funny story: We were a little bit drunk (again), staggering down the Reeperbahn and finally entered the famous Herbertstraße. I always ask myself why there isn’t anything like that for us gays? A street full of escort bars where cute young guys sit in the windows just waiting for customers – and give their services for free when you just smile invitingly. It must be heaven!! Unfortunately, here in Hamburg they have hundreds of girls in the windows and while we walked down the road they opened the doors and asked us to come inside. We declined their kind invitation but one of the girls stepped outside and pulled me on my arm. She was very nice, maybe 20 with a great body.

She: Hi darling, can I help you? You want sex?

I: A cute guy and a huge dick would cater my taste. Not you. We are gay.

She: Nobody is 100% gay. Let me show you. Deep inside your heart you like pussies. And I have a wonderful one. You will love it. Try me…

My boyfriend: How much would that lesson be for us?

She: You are so cute. I can give you a special price: Oral EUR 50, all together. Plus tip.

We thought that this was a fair offer – at least we would learn something. So we tried and went with her (damn alcolhol!!!!).

What can I say? She tried her best (at least that is what I remember). But I am 110% gay and so is my boyfriend. The alcohol, the strange atmosphere and a clumsy prostitute with long pink fingernails grabbing and sucking my soft dick is not helpful when you try to get an erection. Nothing moved below my hips – neither with me nor with my boyfriend. She tried each of us for approximately 5 minutes, then she gave up.

When we walked out (after paying as there is no satisfaction guarantee on that street) she told us: “You are really gay. You must be sooo gay! Until today every guy got a hard dick with me – I am the best sucker here.”

Wow, that’s what I call a compliment from a real professional. I am really proud and unbelievably GAY!!! photos: Carsten Schlink